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(( A marvelous narrated poem attributed to Imam Al-Hadi peace be upon him ))

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  • (( A marvelous narrated poem attributed to Imam Al-Hadi peace be upon him ))

    A marvelous narrated poem attributed to Imam Al-Hadi peace be upon him

    A person snitched on Imam Ali Al Hadi to the Khalifa Al Moutawakel that there are letters and weapons at the imam’s house from his followers in Quom. And the Imam intends to overthrow the government. (Al Moutawakel) sent Turkish soldiers (to investigate the matter). They invaded the Imam’s house at night, and they didn’t find anything (weapons or letters). But the soldiers found the Imam locked in a house. He had on him a wool blanket sitting on sands and stones. He was reciting Quran, and his attention was devoted to Allah.

    The Imam was picked up at his current state to Al-Moutawakel. The soldiers told the Khalifa we couldn’t find anything in his house. We found him reading Quran facing Mecca. Al- Moutawakel was holding a glass of wine and his companions were drunk. When Al-Moutawakel saw the Imam he feared and glorified him. He had him seated beside him. The Khalifa tried to hand the Imam his own glass of wine. The Imam replied by God it will never (be mixed) infect my blood or flesh. The Imam then asked to be excused (from drinking it) and he was.
    Al-Moutawakel said: recite some poetry for me.
    The Imam -peace be upon him- said: I don’t recite much poetry.
    Al-Moutawakel said: you must.
    The Imam -peace be upon him- while sitting there recited:

    They slept on high mounts guarded by mighty men. But those high mounts couldn’t save them (from death)

    They were brought down from their high might and placed down in graves. What a miserable place to be in.

    A caller shouted upon them after their burial.
    Where are (what happened to) the beds, the crowns, and the jewelry. (you had)

    Where are the joyful faces that where ****tered (protected from the sun) by blinds and thin covers?

    The grave replied when the dead were questioned
    Those faces are a battle field for the worms.
    (Those faces were eaten by worms)

    For so long they eat and drank.
    After eating for so long they were eaten.

    For so long they built homes to safe guard them.
    They left those guarded homes and their beloved ones and departed.

    For so long they banked and saved money
    They left it to the enemies, and moved on (to the graves)

    Their houses are emptied and neglected
    And its inhabitants to the graves deported

    Ask the Khalifa when death is upon him
    Where are your guards, horses, and servants?

    Where are the shooters? Aren’t you supposed to be protected by their arrows, when the arrows of death were moving toward you?

    Where are your protectors? Why didn’t they lined up in anger and protect you?
    Where those armies that nations are protect by?? (When death arrives toward you)

    What a pity, they (protectors and armies) were useless and couldn’t push death far from you, when your time was up.

    If this is so, then how do you wish an everlasting life when your soul is hanged by the threads of death?

    Al-Moutawakel cried so much that his beard was soaked by his own tears, and so were the present companions.
    Al-Moutawakel gave Imam Ali -Al Hadi peace be upon him- 4000 Dinars and sent him back home graciously.

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة محمد92; الساعة 10-07-2020, 06:08 PM.
المحتوى السابق تم حفظه تلقائيا. استعادة أو إلغاء.
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