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Who can give me information about would

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  • Who can give me information about would

    Who can give me information about would

  • #2
    With pleasure my dear friend student



    Would, the past form of will, is a modal auxiliary verb.Questions and negatives are made without do; after would. We use an infinitive without to.
    -Would your daughter like to play with my little girl?
    Contraction are 'd, wouldn't
    -I 'd like some advice,please.
    -I wish she wouldn't take things so seriously

    Would and will

    Would is often used in similar ways to will; it can act as a past of will in indirect speech, for example, and as softer, less definite form of will in other cases

    Indirect speech
    In indirect speech, would is used after past reporting verbs where will was used in direct speech
    Direct speech:Tomorrow will be fine
    Indirect speech:The forecast said the next day would be fine
    Would itself does not usually change in indirect speech
    Direct speech:Would you like some help
    Indirect speech: She asked if I would like some help

    Future in the past
    Would is also used to express the idea of future in the past-to talk about a past action which had not yet happened at the time we are talking about

    Interpersonal uses
    Would is used in polite requests and offers; it often acts as a softer form of will
    -Would you open the window, please
    -If you would come this way….
    -Would you mind standing up for a moment
    -Would you like tea, or would you prefer coffee
    - I'd like to speak to John for a moment ,please

    Past willingness and refusals
    Would can refer to past willingness of a general kind , but not to willingness to do something on a particular past occasion
    -She would hoover,dust and iron,but she didn't like doing windows.
    -The car wouldn't start again this morning

    Past habits
    Would is used as the past of will to talk about past habits and typical characteristics .
    -When she was old , she would sit in the corner talking to herself for hours.

    Would and Used to
    Both would and used to can refer to past states
    -When we were children we would/used to go skating every winter

    Conditional auxiliary
    The mixed verb would/should is often used as an auxiliary with verbs that refer to unreal or uncertain situations-for example in sentences with if
    -I should/would tell you if I knew


    المحتوى السابق تم حفظه تلقائيا. استعادة أو إلغاء.
    Smile :) Embarrassment :o Big Grin :D Wink ;) Stick Out Tongue :p Mad :mad: Confused :confused: Frown :( Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek: