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From a to z

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • From a to z

    abandon (v) verb to leave or give up completely: The baby was abandoned by its mother.We abandoned our holiday because we had no money

    abbreviation (n) a short way of writing a word or name : Mr is the abbreviation for Mister

    ability (n) noun (no plural) the power or knoweldge to do something: she has the ability to do it , but she is lazy

  • #2
    able (adj) having the power or the knowledge to do something : Is he able to swim

    abroad (preposition, adverb) on or onto a ship or aeroplane

    abolish (v) to stop (something that is happening); get rid completely: The new government abolished the tax on clothing


    • #3
      about (preposition , adverb) concerning of: What are you talking about."A book about birds" ; a little more or less than : Come about six o'clock

      above (adverb, preposition) at a higher place; higher than; over: The lamps hangs above the table . We watched the birds in the sky above. Above all (more than = anything else) I like learning English

      abroad (adverb) in or to a foreign country:My brother is studying abroad


      • #4
        abrupt ( adjective) sudden:an abrupt knock at the door.not polite : an abrupt answer to his question abruptly adverb

        absent (adjective) not there; not present: He was absent from work last Tuseday

        absence (noun) (no plural): Her abscence was noticed by the teacher

        absent-minded (adjective) forgetful


        • #5
          absolute (adjective) complete: Are you telling me the absolute truth

          absorb (verb) to take in liquid slowly:The cloth absorbed the water in the bowl. To learn thoroughly
          I have not really absorbed all the rules yet

          absorbent (adjective) able to take in liquid


          • #6
            absorbing adjective very interesting : an absorbing book

            absurd (adjective) very silly: The story was so absurd that no one believe it

            absurdly (adverv) : He proposed his ideaology absurdly

            abuse (verb) present participle abusing , past abused

            To speak rudely to: Do not abuse that old man , he can not help walking slowly


            المحتوى السابق تم حفظه تلقائيا. استعادة أو إلغاء.
            Smile :) Embarrassment :o Big Grin :D Wink ;) Stick Out Tongue :p Mad :mad: Confused :confused: Frown :( Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek: