- what is linguistics and how many types are there
- What is the difference between phonetics and phonology
- when to use a;when to use an
- The right ways to treat children mistakes
- what is syntax and its major goal
- I need help -what are the similarities and differences between about and around
- has / have
- how do you do
- what is phonology
- What is a zero morph
- What is an affix
- what is the difference between deep and surface structure
- part1-the greatest prophet_story for children
- Missing main verb
- are there verbs that require infinitive in the complement
- the greatest prophet-story for children-part2
- the greatest prophet-story for children-part3
- the greatest prophet-story for children-part4
- the final dawn
- verbs that require -ing form in the complement...how can help me
- are there verbs phrases that require an -ing form in the complement
- who can give me information about modal verb
- How To Pray-story for children
- what does logical conclusion mean
- what does ability grouping mean
- Tips for a Better Husband and Wife Relationship
- what does ablaut mean in linguistics
- what does absolute mean in linguistics
- what is accent
- what does accommodation mean in linguistics
- what is acronym
- what is adjectival noun
- special thanks for Al kafeel
- information about present simple
- Who can give me information about would
- How to be a good Leader?
- what is affix.............I need an answer from alkafeel
- Faith..Interesting Conversation
- what is inflecting language,I need an answer
- i challenge u to translate this
- Any recomendations on a strategy windows vista game ?
- Importance of having Breakfast"
- what is a syllable
- what are the basic elements of the syllable
- what does the rime consist of
- what is the difference between open syllables and closed syllables
- what does a consonant cluster consist of
- Is spelling considered a guide in phonology
- what is co-articulation effects
- My entrance to Heaven~ a nice poem
- who can define phone
- what is allophones
- what is aspiration
- what is the crucial distinction between phonemes and allophones
- what is velarization...who can answer me
- what is lateral
- Minimal pairs and sets.....who can explain these terms for me
- what are phonotactics
- what linguistics is not
- الزوائد Affixes
- dont be lonely
- Adjective form
- How to use comparatives
- How to use superlatives
- Using Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives
- Contest grammatical Interactive
- what is the language of signs and notices
- I need information about US English
- I need information about other Englishes
- 3strange english words
- help me
- كتاب quest 1
- دروس في تعلم اللغة الانكليزية
- موقع خاص بـــــــــ English_Grammar
- القاموس المصور English-Arabic
- Can you give us a simple lesson on verb tense
- An introduction to language
- Conway Castle
- help me
- هدية الى الاعضاء برنامج قواعد الغة الانكليزية
- passive voice
- Hussein revivalism - magazine -2009-November
- Learn How To speak English!
- I hope the response
- Who has suggested that there are languages have common ancestor
- What was the major preoccupation of linguists during the nineteenth century
- Proto –Indo-Eurpean
- How can we recognize family relationships
- what are Cognates
- The effects of education on ethics
- The Vice
- Terms and meanings
- what is linguistics?
- The Old Man and The Sea (novel by Hemnigway(
- Kubla Khan
- planet
- marginal modal auxiliary
- English Grammar
- How does poetry effet you
- what is semantics
- who can give us information about peacock
- How to prepare for the Tofel test
- what does speech acts mean
- احترف اللغة الانكليزية بدروس عربية مبسطة
- prepositional idioms
- From a to z
- If I had ......, If I went ......, etc
- Completed the following story
- تعلّم لغة العصر
- Relative clauses –part one
- Relative clauses 2
- Relative clauses 3
- Although, while, however, despite
- اكتب حالتك اليوم بالأنجليزي
- Since , as , for
- Because, in case, so , so , so that
- Lêt’s playing 2 gathêr
- And, but, so, both….and, either
- I do not know y I am here
- The beauty of a woman
- Tell Me More English for Kids
- programs for beginners to learn English
- حروف انجلينزية
- حروف انجلينزية مزخرفه
- Sentence Structure
- There are special usage for verbs when followed by a preposition
- Who can help me in defining the English sentence
- Some Prophet and Ahl-ul-Bayt's Sayings
- عبارات و جمل كثيرة الاستخدام ( موضوع مفيد)
- On and its uses
- Guidelines for the Husband in interacting with his Wife
- Who's Teaching Your Child about Money
- The Prophet Yunus (pbuh)
- Imam Hassan Askari (as) and fear of Allah (SWT) in His childhood
- Imam Taqi (as): You should not fear anyone other than Allah (SWT)
- Hole from on high
- Cultivated Cucumber and Melon Originated in Asia and Australia
- Warmer Climate Could Increase Release of Carbon Dioxide Inland Lakes
- Adjectives
- ?? Try to solve this riddle
- who can give a useful sentence من يستطيع ان يعطينا يوميا جملة مفيدة
- الخناق / ما هو ..................
- تشبييه بليغ
- Children’s Rights on Parents
- What Is Behavior
- Elements of Conduct
- Do You Know Why The Earth Spins
- When Will The Sun Die
- Do You Know How Hot is Mercury
- What is Grammar
- English is not Phonetic
- Al-hussein is victim of tyranny تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- alkafeel forums are gates for pure knowledge تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- alkafeel forums for all the Islamic families
- Happy Lesser Bairam for the Islamic world تصميم متواضع ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Peace be upon you..Oh! Moon of bani Hashim
- Happy lesser bairam 1...تصميم متواضع ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Happy lesser bairam 2...تصميم متواضع ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Happy lesser bairam 3...تصميم متواضع ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- al-Hussein is flag of guidance
- alkafeel children corner is source of creativity and intellectuality-تصميم متواضع
- Al-abbas holy shrine تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Alkafeel is a modal of sacrificing تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- alkafeel.net
- To make signature for you I will be at your serviceاذا اردت توقيع خادم الكفيل بخدمتك
- ترقبوا خلال الاشهر القادمة مجلة الكفيل الالكترونية باللغة الانكليزية coming soon
- imam zain alabedeen said
- Your pure blood will remain a sign ..تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Al-abbas bin ali is immortal hero...تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Golden minarte of al-abbas bin ali for designers
- alabbas is the symbol of sacrifice.....my design
- alkafeel children corner is for disciplined child...تصميم طفولي ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Moon is reflecting alkafeel's brightness...تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- karbala mag مجلة جديدة سوف تستحدث في جامعة كربلاء من تصاميمي
- proverbs and saying
- children interaction with the environment
- Nice Definitions
- Sacrifice : Short Story
- alkafeel is a symbol of dignity
- Guidance for developping children personality
- A Story
- A Woman story
- Alii's love in our hearts
- Imitation is a negative factor
- Oh! thirsty
- The Importance of Miswaak
- تصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم alkafeel is my fate
- Colors
- paradise his destinyتصميم ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
- Semantics is the study of meaning
- The Importance of Fruit
- a new form of brightness
- how can we make coherent character for child
- alkafeel website is everywhereتصميم متواضع عسى ان ينال اعجابكم
- al-abbas holy shrine
- دروس يومية ان شاء الله لمن يريد التقديم لــ اختبار التوفل في العراق ..حصريا للكفيل
- The most important philosophical quotes
- To all Members
- The prophet muhammad
- Greeting in some languages
- Verbal communication
- Non Verbal Communication
- Difference Between Culture and Civilization
- The Origine of the English Language
- the time
- the dome of dignityتصميم متواضع لقبة سيد الشهداء
- Vowels are letters that are pronounced by forcing air over your vocal cords
- Consonant Sounds are produced by completely or partially stopping the breath
- Abstract Noun
- Greater bairam is a source of blessings تصميم متواضع
- we congratulate the islamic world for the new coming of greater bairam
- هذه مجموعة من الجمل الاكثر استخداما بالانكليزية
- المجوعة الثانية من الجمل الاكثر استخداما في الانكليزية
- the importance of TELLING THE TRUTH, a story
- كلمات بالانجليزية الامريكية العامية
- لأختبار مستواك في اللغة الانكليزية....
- الأسرار ألسبعه لتطوير لغتك الانجليزية !
- Demonstrative
- Sociolinguistics
- دروس في اللغة الانكليزية للسادس العلمي
- Confused Words
- confused sentences
- قصيده عن الصداقة باللغه الانكليزيه
- Some ,any and no article
- من هو اذكى؟؟؟
- Did you know...
- المعنى الحرفي والمعنى المجازي
- العلاقة الزوجية
- أسماء المهن باللغه الانكليزيه
- واقع الزواج
- الفرق في استعمال الكلمات
- Sanity of Hamlet
- Collocations
- Idioms
- مصطلحات رياضيه وتجاريه
- A dream
- English sentence
- A funny story
- اكتشف شخصيتك
- موسوعة لدراسات عن الترجمة... لا تفوتكم...
- Three Men
- Roses
- Birds
- Some funny mistakes
- Home words
- Ladies first
- Moral lesson story
- مساعدة
- كلمات باللغة الانجليزيه بالصور
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.
فهرس (Department of Islamic Studies
هذا الموضوع مغلق.
هذا موضوع مثبت
فهرس (Department of Islamic Studies
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags): لا يوجد
- ملصق
- English Grammar ......... The definite article
- Love and Time
- Exercises about the articles
- أكتب حديثاً شريفاً باللغة الانكليزية..
- أدخل الكلمة في جملة مفيدة..
- how to write an English thesis
- Ur
- Iraq
- India
- Cataphoric & Anaphoric
- William Blake
- English grammer ........... Nouns
- Robin Hood
- The Atlantic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- so funny story
- موضوع: اسهل 100جمله ينطقها الانسان بحتياجاتة
- flower & pearl
- دروس في الترجمه
- قصه جميله مترجمه
- Husband Vs Wife
- أمثال أنجليزية مترجمهـ ..
- دروس في اللغه الانجليزيه English Language Lessons
- Symbolism in Old Man and the Sea
- تمرينات باللغة الانكليزية للصغــار
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Romeo and Juliet
- Hope in A Passage to India
- مسرحية الليلة الثانيه عشر بالعربيه
- الشيخ والبحر
- Oliver بالعربي
- Minor Sins
- اول كاريكاتير انكليزي ينصر الاسلام
- The Sick Rose
- Degrees of Fasting!
- Nice English Cards
- Laugh with these lines
- The correct way to sit at your desk
- the hardest thing to say to someone
- Eid Mubarak for alkafeel school
- Cockney Slang
- Education in England
- there shall be twelve successors after me
- Five Little Monkeys
- friendship neVer ends
- موقع يتيح للراغبين بتعلم اللغة الانكليزية .. من خلال الاستماع الى الرويات العالمية
- Love is the Foundation
- Do and Do Not
- ~âœ؟âœ؟~ || مصطلحات هامة ~âœ؟âœ؟~ ||
- أقوال أعجبتني..
- Love your Parents ”
- I need ur help..do u help me????????????????
- Try ur self
- poverty .....
- nice story
- Compliments in English/مجاملات باللغة الانجليزية
- موقع كأنك تدرس في معهد لغه أنجليزي/Learning English website
- الفرق بين الصفات والظروف في اللغة الانكليزية
- هل تعرفون معنى كلمة News ؟؟
- هل تعرف معنى كلمة Family؟؟؟
- حروف اسمك تكشف شخصيتك,,
- (The different between (Thank you & Thanks
- Computer Vocabulary
- في المطعم/In the restaurant
- Life Is a Gift of ALLAH/الحيــــــــــــــاة هديــــــــــة الله عز وجل
- أصل معنى (pm/am)
- مصطلحآت جآمعيهـ
- meaning of some words
- Statements of apology/عبــــــــــارات أعتـــــــذار
- The boy and the tree/الولد و الشجرة
- (1)جمل مفيدة مترجمة/Useful Phrases Translated
- (2)جمل مفيدة مترجمة/Useful Phrases Translated
- (3)جمل مفيدة مترجمة/Useful Phrases Translated
- الفرق بين have و have got
- انتبه عند سماعك لهذه العبارات الانكليزية !!!
- (4)جمل مفيدة مترجمة/Useful Phrases Translated
- (5)جمل مفيدة مترجمة/Useful Phrases Translated
- (1) 100 سؤال بالانجليزية
- (1) قاعدة الحرف c
- (2) 100 سؤال بالانجليزية
- (2) قاعدة الحرف c
- اتمنى احد يلبي طلبي
- (3) قاعدة الحرف c
- (4) قاعدة الحرف c
- (3) 100 سؤال بالانكليزية
- اسماء بعض طيور--- Names of some birds
- اسماء بعض طيور--- Names of some birds
- تمرينات بسيطة للصغار .. من تصميمي
- ما هو سر كلمة اوكي ok وما هو معناها ؟
- (5) قاعدة الحرف c
- الأسمـــآكـ.....Fishes
- اضافة ing على الفعل
- (6) قاعدة الحرف c
- أسماء الحشرات
- Using(some, any, much
- The word "Internet" in English phrases
- (1)أكتر 500 كلمه مستعمله في اللغة الأنكليزي
- (2)أكتر 500 كلمه مستعمله في اللغة الأنكليزي
- كلمـــــات ومتضـــادات
- (3)أكتر 500 كلمه مستعمله في اللغة الأنكليزي
- (using(many, lot of, few, , little
- (The difference between (During & While
- الفرق بين a , an , the
- (4)أكتر 500 كلمه مستعمله في اللغة الأنكليزي
- الفرق بين If he were there, و If he was there
- Words and Actions Should Be the Same
- أسماء الأستفهام
- بعض اعضاء جسم الانسان
- The difference between'Want' & 'Would like
- Change of - Change in
- Continual - Continuous
- The difference between ONE\ONES
- Text Message Abbreviations
- Internet Abbreviations and Smileys
- Months-Seasons name
- (الساعة) : O’clock
- أيام الاسبوع
- (Names of Fatima AL Zahra(SA
- At Siffin Imam Ali (a) gave instructions to his soldiers before the battle
- God listens to ALL prayers
- A quiet funeral
- كيفية تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بسرعة البرق كورس متكامل
- Facts exciting and exotic for kids!
- برنامج Follow Me English لتعليم الانجليزية خطوة بخطوة
- The status of women in Islam
- ???Does God Exist
- The Holy Lady Fatima Al Zahra (as )
- (Forty Hadiths About Fatima (1
- (Forty Hadiths About Fatima (2
- كلمات عن الصداقة الحقيقية بالانكليزي
- Upscale phrases
- Rule
- We
- The panic
- Don't
- Life's
- Don't
- before
- The fear
- Rule-2
- Rule-3
- Rule-4
- optimistic
- Rule-5
- Rule-6
- Rule-7
- Rule-8
- 9-Rule
- Rule-10
- 1-(Marital disputes and their effect on the spiritual decline)
- Rule-11
- Rule-12
- Woman's mind
- Rule-13
- Rule-14
- Valuing bread
- If you
- The eye
- Where
- The brightest futures are
- Toleration is
- Generosity is
- Overeating/كراهة الافراط في الاكل
- Pronouncing Allah’s name before, and thanking Him after the meal
- Be strong
- Be frugal
- The History doesn't
- A friend is like a book
- Left to themselves
- After
- After finishing the meal
- [1]Islamic Etiquette of Walking And Riding
- اغبى اسئلة للمحامين
- True happiness
- Be loving
- Shakespeare said
- Not the courage to retaliate
- Shakespeare said-2
- Shakespeare said-3
- Hadith-e-Ghadeer: Tradition of Ghadeer-e-Khumm
- Hadith-e-Thaqlain: Tradition of Two Weighty Things
- What happened to Fadak
- Battle of Jamal
- Hadith-e-Manzilah: The Tradition of Position
- Imam-e-Zaman a.s
- The_Peak_of_Eloquence
- معاني اسماء ايام الاسبوع عند الغرب ؟؟ااذخل وشوف الكارثه ؟
- اصل الشهور الميلاديه ...........................................
- المراجعات A Shi'i-Sunni dialogue
- Qur'an In 36 Language
- The Effects of Losing The Divine Light// آثار فقدان النور الإلهي في الحياة
- The Effects of Losing The Divine Light آثار فقدان النور الإلهي في الحياة(2)
- Shakespeare
- كلمة ومعنى من كتابي...!
- دعا عهد بصوت محسن فرهمند آزاد _ عربي فارسي انكليزي_Doaa_Ahd_M.Farahmand
- A message to the world
- The Prophet (s) said
- love for Ali
- I am a remainder from Adam
- The people of Kufa
- O. Allah I love him so love him
- After the conquest of Basra
- Apapeel birds
- نداء النملة
- الغراب وقابيل
- â?…â?…â?…ان استطعت فشارك معنا â?…â?…â?…
- ~~~ هدهد سليمان ~~~
- ◆◆◆Selfish ◆◆◆
- Thank you
- â™،â™،â™، O God â™،â™،â™،
- In the West
- But a liar and an impostor
- Masjid al -Qiblatain
- ••• Be the son •••
- In praise of the prophet
- â?…â?…Corporl Gardens / حدائق العريف â?…â?…
- â?† In praise of the prophet â?†
- ��Imam Ali said ��
- ¤¤¤ Imam Ali said ¤¤¤
- I wonder
- The result
- The poet said
- Bakr ibn Ali ibn ibn Abi Talib
- M.r Ismail bin Imam Moussa al -Kadhim
- ¤¤¤ Knowing when Muslims ¤¤¤
- Awlad Muslim bin Aqeelbin Abi Talib / اوï»»د مسلم بن عقيل بن ابي طالب
- Khawla girl of Imam Hussein/ خوله بنت اï»»مام الحسين
- Strong Admonitions/شدة التعبير
- آداب المشي والركوب(1)
- Islamic Etiquette of Walking And Riding/آداب المشي والركوب(2)
- Islamic Etiquette of Walking And Riding/آداب المشي والركوب(3)
- Islam is the light
- Where to Obtain Knowledge of Allah?
- What Does "Rafida" Mean?
- " "
- Recognising the Existence of Allah
- Visit the fortieth and spiritual awakening
- Message of the Prophet's birth
- Zahra (peace be upon him)
- tweets & FB
- Awaiting the Debut
- (Zainab bint Ali, daughter of Fatima)
- The wisdom of Fatima Al - Zahra
- The Necessary Presence of an Infallible Imam
- OM-AL-Banin (peace of God)
- Mrs. Fatima Al-Zahra (peace be upon her)
- أقوال للإمام علي -عليه السلام- مترجمة للانكليزي....
- The Reasoning of Imam Al-Mahdi in his Letters
- Imam Musa Kazim's Knowledge
- Al-'Abbas (a)
- The Occultation of Imam Al-Mahdi
- Ramaل¸چؤپn al-Mubؤپrak
- The best deed in this sacred month
- ت؟Alؤ« b. Abؤ« ل¹¬ؤپlib
- Al-Baqi
- Strategic Progress of the Shias During the Major Occultation
- The life of Imam al-Riل¸چa (as)
- ل¸¤ajj is an act of worship
- كتاب “التعرف على الاسلام” باللغة الانجليزية
- Imam al-Jawad (a)
- Imam Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Baqir (a)
- Eid al-Ghadir
- Lessons from the martyrdom of Imam Hussain
- Imam 'Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (a)
- فهرس (Department of Islamic Studies