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الرائع لتشغيل جميع انواع المالتيميديا DVDFab Media Player Pro

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  • الرائع لتشغيل جميع انواع المالتيميديا DVDFab Media Player Pro

    تحميل برنامج DVDFab Media Player Pro, برنامج لتشغيل جميع انواع المالتيميديا , برنامج تشغيل الميديا , برنامج تشغيل الفيديو , 2014 , 2015 DVDFab Media Player Pro, برنامج , اخر اصدار , تحميل مباشر DVDFab Media Player Pro

    Player المتخصص في تشغيل جميع الصيغ المختلفة حتى يتيح لك الراحة والسهولة في تشغيل كل ما تريدة وأكثر , عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا بكل الصيغ حيث ان هذا البرنامج يعمل على تشغيل الملتيميديا بجميع الصيغ ويعمل على جميع انواع نسخ الويندوز و يعتبر الاكثر شيوعا فى الاستخدام فى العالم ومن ضمن الجودات التى يدعمها البرنامج هي 3g2; *.3gp; *.3gp2; *.3gpp; *.amv; *.asf; *.avi; *.bin; *.cue; *.divx; *.dv; *.flv; *.gxf; *.iso; *m1v; *.m2v; *.m2t; *.m2ts; *.m4v; *.mkv; *.mov; *.mp2; *.mp2v; *.mp4; *.mp4v; *.mpa; *.mpe; *.mpeg; *.mpeg1; *.mpeg2; *.mpeg4; *.mpg; *.mpv2; *.mts; *.mxf; *.nsv; *.nuv; *.ogg; *.ogm; *.ogv; *.ogx; *.ps; *.rec; *.rm; *.rmvb; *.tod; *.ts; *.tts; *.vob; *.vro; *.webm; *.wmv وايضا يعمل على تشغيل الاسطوانات DVD وغيرها من المميزات التى تميز هذا البرنامج عن غيره

    DVDFab Media Player is a Windows based Media Player software. It not only plays Blu-ray discs and and other video files in all formats, but also plays Blu-ray folders, ISO image files, both 2D or 3D. So, it brings absolutely the best audiovisual experiences for Windows users. To benefit all users, DVDFab Media Player offers lifetime free playback of Blu-ray ISO files, folders and other video files, and real Blu-ray discs free for 60 days. DVDFab Media Player is your ultimate choice for your Windows PC and notebooks.

    DVDFab Media Player can smartly tell the movie folder you are loading is a DVD folder or Blu-ray one. In addition, it also has the capability to collect the movie info's available from internet, like title name, release date, rating category, director, actor & actress information, poster etc. So, you may get something you are interested.

    Your current Media Player does not play the movie released last week? Don't worry, DVDFab Media Player can do this. As soon as you insert the protected disc into optical drive, DVDFab Media Player will access it and then connect its server to break the protection code in less than a minute, be it AACS or the latest BD+. Keep in mind, to achieve this, you have to allow the software Player to access the internet.

    As known, one of the reasons why Blu-ray survives the Media format war is that it delivers delicate 1080p video. Apart from this, the DTS HD Master Audio or Dolby True HD Audio coming along with Blu-ray discs also rocks. With this Media player, you lose nothing

    حجم البرنامج : MB 15
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    تحميل برنامج DVDFab Media Player Pro لتشغيل جميع انواع المالتيميديا

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